You have not been authenticated.
It seems the Chrome extension is installed, but we didn't get any sign-in data. Are you signed in to Apple Music? Try opening Apple Music again
It seems you are using a browser other than Chrome. You can still enter the data manually.
- Go to Apple Music on a desktop or laptop
- Open DevTools (Right click, "Inspect Element" or Control + Shift + I or F12))
- Go to the Console panel
- Paste in the following code
copy("Bearer " + JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(document.querySelector(`meta[name="desktop-music-app/config/environment"]`).getAttribute("content"))).MEDIA_API.token)
and press enter - The "auth" token will be copied to your clipboard. Paste it in the first input below
- Go back to the Apple Music tab and paste the following code into the Console panel
copy(document.cookie.split("; ").find(row => row.startsWith("media-user-token")).replace("media-user-token=", ""))
and press enter - The user token will be copied to your clipboard. Paste it in the second input below
- Click "Get Album Data"